Friday, April 4, 2008

Relaxin' Junkin'

Just a quick pic of me and Mo junkin' in Mrs. Liz's garage. I found a set of tea cups and matching snack plates with yellow roses on them, a hand full of old hankies and doilies, that fabulous old school desk, and a mini rocking chair and table set made of old beer cans! I am not sure what I am going to do with these new finds, but now I have all weekend to play around with them! Aunt Sharon took the "coffin"-which is really the cover from an old sewing machine. Mo also got a handful of linens, some tea cups and saucer, and a few other goodies. It is always so relaxing at Mrs. Liz's house, it is like she calls out the bright sunshine and singing birds for our arrival. Not to mention the great company and comfy couches always make us feel right at home! Thanks again Mrs Liz for letting us rummage through your junque! And the best part is she has found even more stuff and invited us back for another junkin' adventure soon!! WOOPEE!! I can't wait!


vintage girl at heart said...

Y'all really made out and yes MS lIZ'S house is always so comfy and relaxing.
I guess another st cloud trip is in your future!!

Kentucky Bound said...

I'm glad you had as much fun as I did! I love it when y'all come to visit!