Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Just a little weird..

Shanaenae at vintagegirlatheart tagged me a while ago before I ever started my blog, so I though I would catch up and post my responses now...

The rules are:
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged

So here goes----
1-I am missing my two front teeth, so I can actually relate to the Christmas song. I was born with my two front bottom teeth as permanents, knocked them out when I was 4 or so, and now I am saving for implants..

2-I have been with the same man since I was 15 (high school sweethearts, if you will), and we are getting married this fall. Yep, almost 9 years together, and still going strong.

3-I am an excellent cook, but I suck at baking. I can bake from a box if you have to only add an egg here or some oil there, but more then two ingredients or making it from scratch...FORGET IT!

4-I am an eternal college student. I have been taking college classes since my junior year of high school and have yet to get a degree. It is going on 7 years now..I know I know talk about procrastination.

5-I could eat my weight in Pizza. It is my all time favorite food, there was a time when I would eat it twice a day five days a week!! I just can't get enough of the stuff!

6-I am the crazy cat lady! I have four fluffy cats, and they run the house! Throw a big, dumb, blond lab named Bella into the mix and you have the beginnings of a farm at my house. I want to adopt my Aunt's black lab, Roxy, and a new puppy from another friend, But I think my honey will call off the wedding if I bring any more animals home..

7-Lastly-I love to dye my hair different colors. I am a natural blond, but I have been every shade from purple, orange, brown, black, maroon, red, blond, tri colored, you name if I have had hair that color. I don't' know what it is about my hair, but I love to change it all the time. However I do have to say that I got the most complements when it was purple, the guys loved it!

Okay, that's all. I am not going to tag anyone, but feel free to join in. Leave me a comment so I can check out your weirdness if you decide to play along!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
